Rain gardens are, for the most part, a maintenance free garden. But, over time, silt and leaves will accumulate in the bottom of the rain garden and will need to be removed to insure the rainwater infiltrates quickly into the soil, which is what “Living with Water” is all about. French drains and other subsurface drainage systems also need maintenance at the minimum of every two years. Often times a simple maintenance inspection of the french drain infiltration rate is all that is needed to confirm that the french drain is working as intended and is still able to protect the home, business or yard from flooding.

In addition to rain garden and drainage system maintenance, other maintenance services we provide are: landscape lighting and irrigation system maintenance.
Our New Orleans, Louisiana based landscaping company is fully licensed and insured. We offer state-of-the-art equipment and management systems. Greenman Dan employs a well-trained, licensed, uniformed, English-speaking, and professional staff.